I love this couple. Actually, I love every couple I work with, but this couple brought me along to their wedding in Yosemite, and it was incredible. Congratulations Heather and Peter!
It got started on Friday. I flew in to Sacramento and drove out to Evergreen Lodge in Yosemite. The sky was filled with smoke from forest fires (which made for great lighting). I arrived in time for the rehearsal dinner BBQ, and I got a chance to meet and mingle with the guests.
On Saturday the wedding was later in the day so all the guests went hiking/swimming/etc during the day. I hiked up to Carlon Falls to take some pictures and go for a swim. Later that afternoon the wedding got started, and it was an extraordinary event. Here are some pictures:
I had the pleasure of joining Karen & Aaron in Leavenworth at Mountain Springs Lodge for their wedding. It was a gorgeous location, and the couple was super fun to work with. Here are a few images from their wedding.